What to Expect
We want our services to be a place where everyone feels welcome and has an opportunity to experience the love of Jesus. Our typical Sunday morning service will include upbeat worship, a fun kids program, and an encouraging and biblical teaching. There’s no dress code, no age restriction and no rule against bringing coffee with you.
Get Connected
One of the best ways to get more connected at Family Life Church is to join a small groups. These groups offer Bible teaching, prayer, and fellowship. Life Groups begin meeting in April and continue for six weeks. There are many different groups to choose, find one that fits for you and sign up today. Sign up for a Life Group.
Find other ways to get connected...
Watch a Service
Even if you can't make it to church, you can still join us online! Services are live streamed on Sunday mornings at 10:30am.
Browse the Sermon Library
Look through the list of past sermons to catch up on any you missed or rewatch any that you need to hear again.
Ways to Give
Give Online
You can give online through Subplash by downloading the FLC Warsaw App or simply by using the online giving form. Online gifts can be made by bank transfer or with a credit/debit card. If you would like to designate where your offering goes, select an option from the drop-down menu.
Give in Person
If you prefer to give with cash or check, you can drop a gift in the offering boxes located around the church sanctuary or in the offerings bags when they are passed. If you would like to designate where your offering goes, please use the offering envelopes.
Who We Are
Our Story
We are a non-denominational family church that desires about all else to simply love God and to love others.

Family Life Church has been planted in the village of Warsaw, NY for over 40 years. Originally founded as Full Gospel Community Church, in 2014 we felt the Lord leading us to rename the church to Family Life Church. We are grateful for a heritage born in revival and are excited about the fresh vision that God has given us for the future.
Our Leaders

Lead Pastor
Jonathan Lonneville

Associate Pastor
Ben Schultz