Being a Christian means being a disciple of Jesus.

We are beginning the new year with a commitment to imitate Jesus and to embrace spiritual disciplines.
You are invited to take the January Discipleship Challenge with us and start the year by practicing these spiritual habits.

1 |  Reading the Bible

We will be reading through the book of John, one chapter per week. We encourage you to read slowly and prayerfully, listening for God to speak as you read. You can pick up a reading booklet from the church or follow the reading plan in the app.

2 |  Memorizing Scripture

We will be memorizing Ephesians 1:3-10, two verses per week. Memorizing scripture is a helpful way to get truth from your heart into your heart, and this passage is filled with truth about what Jesus has done for us. You can pick up memorization cards from the church or view them in the app.

3 |  Fasting Digital Distractions

We will be taking a break from technology and media. Too often, we allow screens to distract us from more important things, and this can make it very difficult to hear what God is saying. Take time to prayerfully consider which devices, apps, websites, or other forms of technology are distracting you from God and commit to fast from those for January. 

Let's do this together!

Practicing new habits can be challenging and the best way to take on a new challenge is to do it together. Find a group of friends to share your challenge commitments with so we can encourage each other. If you have any questions about the January Discipleship Challenge, feel free to reach out and one of the church pastors will connect with you.